What is copyright?

Copyright is a legal right, giving the owner control over their work and how it is used. It gives creators protection against the use of their work without permission. Owners of copyright can use, sell or licence a work to a third party.

Copyright protects the work created by the author. 

Copyright is one of the main types of intellectual property. Intellectual property gives a person ownership over the things they create, the same way as something physical can be owned. 

What is copyright infringement?

Copyright infringement occurs when a person carries out any of the following on a copyright-protected work without the consent or authorisation of the copyright owner:

  • Copying it

  • Redrawing it

  • Using it as a clear basis for your own work

  • Issuing copies of it to the public

  • Renting or lending it to the public

Why is copyright important?

1. Copyright Rewards Creators. It means authors are paid for the work they create. Creators often make money by licensing their copyright. Copyright then enables licensing agencies to distribute the work to the public and pay the creator royalties.

2. Copyright encourages creativity. When artists are paid for their work they are then able to produce more of their art. Earnings help support an artist by paying for their studio rent and the purchase of equipment and materials.

3. Copyright benefits society by promoting culture. Copyright stimulates creativity and innovation which promotes our cultural heritage and benefits society as a whole. A world without art, literature, music, drama etc would be a very dull place.

Click here to read the Top 10 Copyright Myths.

Please respect copyright.